Deskercise Power: Top 25 Exercises You Can Do at Work

Exercises You Can Do at Work


Exercises You Can Do at Work

It has become quite common for workers to spend long hours at their workplace as they attend to their different tasks. However, sitting for long hours is dangerous for your health as it may lead to poor posture, back pains, a rise in stress levels, and at times chronic diseases. Thus the question is, how do you protect against these risks without leaving your desk? Here comes deskercise – a set of movements to prevent the worker from becoming sluggish at the workplace.

Integrating short walks and movements into your everyday functioning keeps you moving and limber, corrects body structure, decreases stress, and improves your quality of life. There are a number of these suggested exercises that can be performed in the workplace and in particular while at your desk, meaning that one is not disrupting their working day to have a healthier one.

1. Deskercises for Upper Body Strength

Exercises You Can Do at Work

Targeting shoulders, arms, and core muscles

Chair Dips
Chair dips will enable you to develop your triceps and shoulders in a very effective way. To do this sit on the chair and keep the hands on the edge of the chair near the hips, lift the hips off the chair. If you have to exercise, lower yourself by bending the elbows, and then, push yourself back up again. Do this for several reps to get that ‘burn’ in your upper arms.

Desk Pushups
Desk pushups are wonderful in developing upper body strength and strengthening the core muscles. Go several paces away from your desk, put your palms on, and do the push-ups about your desk, lowering your chest to almost touch the table. This pushup is slightly easier than the floor pushup, but it is no way less effective.

Seated Shoulder Press
To work out your shoulders and upper arms, try the seated shoulder press. Sit straight in the chair, take a standard dumbbell in both hands and push up in the air with the arms. Lower the bar back to the shoulder height and again. This exercise can also be done with actual weights if one can afford to do so.

Desk Plank
The plank on the desk is perfect for activating the core muscles as well as working on balance. Sit during the work and put your hands on the keyboard, then transfer weight back to the legs, laying the back in a horizontal plane like during the planking on the floor. grasp this angle for as long as you can.

Bent-Over Rows
People who need great exercise for posture correction and the strengthening of the back muscles should try the bent-over rows. Start with your feet somewhat wider than shoulder-width apart, slightly bending your hips forward, and try to pull your hands towards your chest, as if you were in a rowing boat. This exercise is useful as it opens the chest and helps to combat the hunching that happens when one is sitting for long.

2. Lower Body Deskercises

Exercises You Can Do at Work

Focus on legs, glutes, and lower back

Squats become a compound movement that is effective for increasing leg muscles’ and glute muscles’ mass. Get up from your chair, pretend to sit down then retard and get up again. This specific movement recruits both the lower limbs and can be performed severally within the day.

Calf Raises
Perform calf raises to strengthen your lower leg muscles and increase blood flow to the area. Get up, raise the heels from the floor, and rise on the tiptoe. Bring yourself back down to the floor and do it again. This exercise is unobtrusive enough to perform during a phone chat or during the time before the start of a business discussion.

Seated Leg Extensions
Seated leg extensions are great for the quadriceps and the knee ligaments as well. While you sit, reach to the floor with one leg before you pull it back and repeat the same with the other leg. Squash, and rotate between the left and right leg for a full round.

Lunges on the other hand are another great exercise that tones the legs and improves balance too. Stand sideways from an object, with one leg behind the other, and bend forward and pop the old low, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Return to the original position pushing up from the ground and then change legs. This particular exercise can be done in a very limited space.

Wall Sit
The plank on the dinner table is perfect for fat busting and a great exercise to tone abs and balance. Sit during the work and put your hands on the keyboard, then transfer weight back to the legs, laying the back in a horizontal plane like during the planking on the floor. Hold this position of power for as long as feasible.

3. Core-Focused Deskercises

Exercises You Can Do at Work

Boost your core for improved posture and balance.

Seated Oblique Twists
Seated oblique twists are for your obliques better known as the love handles and strengthen your ability to rotate in a motion. Lean forward, interlock your fingers in front of you, and twist your upper body to the left and right. I find that this exercise specifically targets the core stabilizers that keep one upright throughout the day.

Leg Lifts
Leg lifts are very easy exercises that can be done by anyone to tone up your lower abs as well as hip flexors. Sitting on a chair stretch one leg forward by making it parallel to the floor and hold for some time and then bring the leg down without letting it touch the ground. The same procedure is followed with the other leg of the jack and when this is complete then it is ready to be used. They can all be done covertly probably while seated under your desk.

Seated Bicycles
Seated bicycles assist in the tone and strengthening of the abdominal muscles and general cardiovascular health. This is a classic stereotypical position which is quite uncomfortable; sit on the edge of the chair, lean back slightly and put your legs up off the floor. Pretend you are cycling and drag one knee towards your chest while at the same time stretching the other leg forward. Switch between the legs for a very good core exercise.

Russian Twists
Engage your entire core, especially your obliques, with Russian twists. Clasp your hands together and twist your torso to the left, then to the right, while keeping your core engaged.

Flutter Kicks
Flutter kicks are ideal to work out the lower abs and essential for building the endurance of the muscle. Slightly recline on the chair, put your both legs off the floor. Flutter your legs up and down by lifting them off the floor and then again by dragging them in the floor. It is somewhat difficult but a useful exercise.

4. Deskercises for Flexibility and Mobility

Exercises You Can Do at Work

Stretch and loosen up tight muscles

Neck Rolls
Much like the shoulders, neck rolls help to decrease the stiffness and increase the range of motion within the neck. Cast your spine up, turn your head sideways, and then move your head forward and backward as well as sideways. Perform this motion in both directions to work out the stiffness in your neck and shoulders.

Spinal Twist
Spinal flexibility and back pain can be eased by spinal twists. Stand tall, put your left hand on the right knee, and slowly twist the upper body to the right. Wait for a few blows and then change the position. This stretch is good if you have tension in your lumbar region of the spine.

Side Stretches
If done right, side stretches have the capacity to stretch out the side parts of your body and hence help in developing your flexibility. Stand tall, reach with one hand across your head and pull your body in that direction. The holding on the stretch should be done for a few seconds before swapping sides. The same exercise can be done standing, for a deeper stretch.

Lower Back Stretch
Relieve the stress in the lower back with a basic lower back stretch. When seated, forward flex at the waist by trying to touch your toes, or as close to your toes as is comfortably possible. There is muscle strain on the lower back and hamstrings on this position so try holding this position for a few seconds.

Praying Hands Stretch
The praying hands stretch will be of help when trying to avoid carpal tunnel as well as strain on the wrist. Clasp your fingers and interlock your hands as if praying, then push your hands together tightly and start to lower them with the palms still touching to your waist. This stretch is versatile and felicitous in ensuring that the tight wrists and the forearms are eased.

5. Cardiovascular Deskercises

Exercises You Can Do at Work

Get your heart pumping even while at your desk

Jog in Place
Jogging is another effective exercise that may increase the heart rate and help to burn calories. You need not leave the desk; stand upright and mimic jogging within the enclosed area. One can do this during a break or even during a time of waiting for a conference call for instance. This exercise is one of the simplest ways to make your blood to flow round your system.

Seated Marching
Aerobic exercise such as jogging may also have a way of helping to raise the heart rate and in the process the rate of burning calories. You don’t have to go outside: stand up straight and start bouncing on the spot as if jogging in a box.

It can be done at some leisure or just after a break or timed on occasions such as waiting for a conference call for example. This exercise is one of the simplest that you can practice to ensure your blood circulates round your system.

Jumping Jacks
If you want to exercise the whole body, simply perform a couple of jumping jacks. This quite conventional exercise is suitable for increasing one’s heart rate and can be in smaller intervals in the course of the day.

Toe Taps
Toe taps are an easy and effective means to maintain activity of the leg and circulation of the blood. While seated, tap the ground with the feet (if sitting on the floor) or with the shoe-bottom (if sitting on a chair) as fast as you can and as many times as both legs in turn afford you time. It is a very unobtrusive movement bringing an excellent level of activity to your legs.

Run in Place
Get your pulse up and your energy level higher with running in place. It is also required to perform some warming up and stretching exercise; try to stand up and start to actively run on the spot for some time. The work thought this short running session is perfect for infusing some energy into you mid work or during a long work session.

6. Breathing and Relaxation Exercises

Exercises You Can Do at Work

Calm your mind and reduce stress

4-7-8 Breathing Ritual
The 4-7-8 breathing ritual that is described below is an easy way to lower stress and increase attention span. Breathe in to a count of 4 with your mouth closed; pause for 7 seconds; breathe out slowly to a count of 8 via your mouth. Perform this cycling a couple more times in order to bring your body and mind to a comfortable state.

Deep Belly Breathing
Learn how to let go of the stress and anxiety with deep belly breathing. Sit up tall, put one hand on your abdomen and with your mouth shut breathe in through your nose. Breathe out. I can recall doing this exercise some time in the day if you need to relax your brain or during any time when your nervous system is overactive.

A mindfulness break should be taken to help clear the mind for improvement on productivity. Let’s try the following exercise – to bear with me: shut your eyes right now, inhale deeply, and hold your breath for a few seconds. Relax your mind and concentrate and your breathing. This is a very quick and easy technique which should assist you in refocusing your mind.

Seated Meditation
Memory is one such practice that can be effectively done by sitting in a cross-legged position; it is effective in stress management. Get comfortable on your chair and put your hands on the armrest if it is comfortable for you then close your eyes softly and try to concentrate on the breaths you are taking. Over time, advise your mind to think whatever it wants to think and do not stop these thoughts. One can just sit quietly for a few minutes; the very act has a positive effect on one’s health.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Reduce muscle tension and learn ways to relax on demand with progressive muscle relaxation. The procedure of sociometry is as follows: First, focusing on your toes, imagine that every muscle in your body is tightening and then releasing. This one relaxes tension that has built up and can easily be performed when one is still at work.


Exercises You Can Do at Work

Including these exercises at the workplace into your daily schedule is an effective and straightforward approach to increasing one’s health and subsequent productivity. Frequent and slight physical activity can amount to a lot in terms of health in order to have a robust, vigorous and little stressful working life.

Thus, why not begin with the day that is today? Try to incorporate such exercises into your working day and feel the change they can bring to your state in several ways. And always, I repeat, it’s important to be consistent. The further distances you do these ‘deskercises’, the better will be the outcome. Do not hesitate to place your suggestions and favorite desk exercises or experiences in the comment section below.


Exercises You Can Do at Work

What is an office workout?

Some of the exercises that can be done in the office are the chair dips, the desk push ups, seated leg extensions, wall sits, neck rolls, toe taps among others. All of these exercises are localized in different parts of the body and can be performed discretely at workplace.

How to do deskercise?

Deskercise is an assemblage of short and basic movements that can be done right at your workstation. These can be, for instance, seated marches, leg lifts or, in fact, any stretching exercise such as side stretch. If possible, they should be done with so much discreetness that they won’t interfere with your working schedule.

As we have presented in this paper, what are the following benefits of Deskercise:

Deskercise alleviate the consequences of sitting and enhance posture, curb stress, and promote enhanced blood flow. It also refuels thus increases the general productivity throughout the day since the consumer is more alert.

what is the term Deskercise?

The term Deskercise is the abbreviated fusion of the words desk and exercise/going by the fact that these are exercises that one can do at or close to the desk. It is intended to allow an individual to have an active working period of the day.

How possible is it to exercise and work at the same time?

You can function that you exercise on the job by walking while, for instance, taking a phone call, pulling up your calf muscles while reading through a piece of work, or even practicing deep breathing through a break. Such steps can help ensure you remain active without necessarily disturbing your work progression.

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